Friday, April 10, 2009

That Southern Vibe

What is it? I can’t really define it. Its a sense of things and the world. I can only describe it using the following images:
Imagine a mango cream pie. Its smooth texture and soft constitution playing with your tongue. Neither too sweet nor too sour. Its just right. It’s the texture that makes it good, and perhaps, healthier than most other pastries. Its the perfect dessert to cap off a great seafood dinner, where the natural fruit sweetness softly, not abruptly, pushes away the residual fish flavors. If the dessert were a person, it will only ask that you like it for what it is, and is more than willing to adjust to what you want to make of it. It grows into you slowly, egging you on to ask for more.
Imagine that nice looking girl (or guy) who doesn’t go out of his way to change you as you deepen your relationship. He or she simply delights in your presence and seeks a common understanding with you, rather than forces you to see things his way. He or she accepts you with little questioning, and so does his or her family.
The southern vibe is a laid back sense of the world, characterized by warmth and openness. It takes in all things and delights in diversity. It is a tolerant culture, often faulted for not having a conviction, whereas THAT is the conviction. It does not expect the world to conform to it. It seeks harmony rather than strife, and has no chip on their shoulders about being better than others, nor wanting others to conform to their standards. The apex of this vibe is Cebu, and its legs are the Visayas and Mindanao. They all take pride in concrete things like achievement rather than an empty sense of superiority.